What Do You Do When You See a Double Rainbow? Answered

Double rainbow shown over farmland

Though we’ve all seen the familiar arc of a rainbow, in truth, rainbows are round. In fact, if you viewed a rainbow from high enough in the sky, you would see a full circle.12

Another rare rainbow sighting is the phenomenon of a “double rainbow,” which occurs when light reflects twice through a raindrop. The color spectrum reverses for the second rainbow, with red being on the inside and violet on the outside.23

Rainbows have a rich history of symbolism throughout the centuries and the world,4 and when you see a double rainbow, you might want to acknowledge its meaning or commemorate the moment in some way.

Below, we explain what to do following this unique sighting. We also share ways to find your own personalized meaning in the double rainbow.

  1. Connect with lost loved ones
    A double rainbow could symbolize an opportunity to connect with a loved one who passed away; it may suggest that you’ll receive guidance or support from them.
  2. Act on your first impressions
    If seeing a double rainbow brought something to your mind immediately, it may be no coincidence; whether it was a person, an old ambition, or a place you haven’t visited in a long time, this may be the universe’s way of nudging you in a specific direction.
  3. Spiritual awakening or alignment
    A double rainbow may indicate that you’ll soon experience a heightened sense of spiritual alignment or awakening. This could mean a period of increased insight and connection to your spiritual path awaits you.
  4. Transformation and growth
    The double rainbow could signify that you should prepare yourself for personal growth and transformation. Just as a rainbow evolves from a single point, your journey may involve evolving into a more authentic version of yourself in the near future.
  5. Appreciate the present moment
    Seeing a double rainbow may be a sign that you should focus on the present and appreciate the beauty in your life at any moment.
  6. Embrace mystery and magic
    A double rainbow sighting may encourage you to embrace life’s mysteries and magical aspects. In the near future, you may want to consider exploring the deeper layers of existence.
  7. Recognize duality
    You may encounter a situation in the near future that highlights the dual positive and negative nature of reality; a double rainbow could prompt you to find balance and acceptance in the face of such contrasts.
  8. Message from a higher power
    A double rainbow could be a sign that the universe or a higher power is trying to communicate with you. Consider paying close attention to your dreams and intuition and taking the time to reflect on their hidden meaning.5
  9. Reaffirm your goals
    If you’ve been unsure about the path you’re life is taking, seeing a double rainbow could be a sign to reassess and reaffirm your goals and aspirations.
  10. Strengthen relationships
    Seeing a double rainbow could mean you should reach out to loved ones and friends. You might want to share what you saw, or you might find that they need your support at the moment.
  11. Act on creative inspiration
    If a double rainbow inspires you to get creative, take action and let your inspiration flow.

Ways to Find Your Own Meaning in a Double Rainbow

Finding your own personalized direction when seeing a double rainbow involves reflection and connecting with your emotions and beliefs.

Keep in mind that understanding symbolism is a journey, and your personal meaning may evolve over time as you reflect and engage with the double rainbow.

Here are a few tips for finding deeper meaning and guidance when seeing a double rainbow:

  • Consider any past associations. If you’ve had experiences in the past when rainbows or other natural events have had significance in your life, take that into account. This may help you decipher what actions you should take following the sighting of a double rainbow.
  • Ask yourself questions. Consider questions like, “What do I need guidance with the most right now?” or “What insight might this be conveying to me?” Taking into account the questions you’ve been asking yourself lately as well as what’s most significant in your life presently may help you understand what to do when you see a double rainbow.
  • Discuss your experience with close friends or family. It may be helpful to share your thoughts on the matter with those closest to you. Others may be able to lead you to insights you hadn’t considered before.
  • Trust your intuition. Ultimately, you’ll have to trust your intuition. Make sure the meaning you find feels right and resonates with your emotions and beliefs.